Friday 20 December 2013

Download the Latest 2go jar File for Any Symbian or Java Phones

2go jar file

Unlike the official 2go app avaialable for download at the official 2go wbsite, and other 2go websites; the .jar file of the 2go app does not require any connectivity before it could be installed on any phone that installs .jar applications.
Especially for those that do not have internet connectivity and wishes to download and install 2go on their phones, or for those phones that write "Disconnected" after few minutes during the installation of some applications. 2go apps especially do this on Nokia C6, E5 and some other symbian phones.

Although, the "Disconnect" issue of some phones during installation has being discussed and resolved in another post here, but, you might still prefer to install the .jar file of the 2go app than the .jad file for some reasons.

Download the 2go .jar file here: or click this image: Download 2go jar
Besides the fact that the .jar file of the 2go app does not require any internet connectivity before the installation could be completed, it is a better installation package because it is a full installable package you can carry about for use on any other devices you may deem need of it.

How to Install the 2go .Jar File

Just like the way you install any other application, once your download is complete, just navigate to the folder wherein the 2go .jar file is downloaded, click on the .jar file and the installation begins almost immediately.

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